Sunday, January 4, 2009

Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat Diet Review

If you have been hearing rumors about Brad Pilon's EatStopEat, then you have come to the right place. In this page, you are going to get a clear and concise review on a unique intermittent fasting method called Eat Stop Eat that has gained a lot of fame in the very recent in the fitness industry.

Intermittent fasting has existed for a long period of time. In fact, fasting has its own special place in many religions as well. How does Eat Stop Eat fit into all this?

Do you know who came up with the "eat 5 to 6 meals a day" approach? It was called the "bodybuilders secret" since bodybuilders used to eat more frequently to manage high calorie intakes to maintain muscle mass. It was easy for them since they needed to go over 3000 calories, but imagine splitting a 1600 calorie diet to 5 meals? The EatStopEat breaks this law and you'll get more theory about this proof in the book.

The health and fitness industry took advantage of this system by making a rule that the only way to lose fat fast is by eating frequently or your body falls into what is called “the starvation mode”.

Eat Stop Eat is a new approach that breaks this theory by stating that there is no such thing as starvation mode. Fasting for 24 hours gives your body the break required to accelerate fat loss. Consider this calculation - You need to burn 3500 calories every week to safely burn 1 to 2 lbs of pure fat. You fast for 24 hours, 2 days a week and you just saved yourself 3400 to 3600 calories!

Eat Stop Eat will not make you lose muscle but if you want to burn more fat, you need to do at least 3 strength training workouts per week. This way you keep the muscle and watch that felt just come off the body using this flexible method.

Yet there is one special advantage to following the Eat Stop Eat diet. You don’t have to count calories anymore. You don’t have to fear the clock waiting every 3 hours to feed your belly. You don’t have to be afraid of carbs anymore! You can eat moderately the way you want and still lose the fat as long as you follow strength training and one 24 hour fasting session every week!

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