Monday, November 17, 2008

Secret Way For You to Lose the Stomach Fat

It seems that nowadays that with each passing year more people seem to be gaining weight. Not just gaining weight but more specifically stomach fat. This article will explore the best way to lose stomach fat quickly and easily.

Contrary to popular belief stomach fat is actually the easiest part of your body to lose weight in. You don't want a crash diet when you want to lose stomach fat. Inevitably you end up going back to the foods you were eating before you started your crash diet. Lose Stomach fat by taking a slow and steady approach.

Get rid of the junk food you have in your house. The temptations of having these foods close by you will prove to be just too great a temptation especially at your weak points. Junk foods or refined sugars and carbs contains sugars that will elevate your blood sugar level which in turn will cause increased insulin response which will cause fat to be deposited more readily.

Eat a balnced healthy diet to lose the stomach fat. Rather then eating six small meals, eat three smaller meals and never skip breakfast. This will start to jump start your metabolism. To feel more full drink a lot of water including a glass of water before you eat a meal. A lot of times after having a glass of water you will find your not even hungry.

Eat a diet rich in whole grains, low fat dairy, lean meats or fish, fruits and vegetables. Eating whole grains helps improve your insulin sensitivity. This will allow the body to more efficiently use blood glucose, lowers blood sugar levels and reduces fat.

It is probably unrealistic to only eat these type of foods. My recommendation is eat as many whole grains as possible. Not only for the benefits stated above but they are also high in fiber which will make you feel more full.

As you can see this is just a start on some of the ways to lose stomach fat. Believe it or not stomach fat is not that hard to lose. To lose stomach fat eat a balanced diet of low fat dairy, unrefined foods, and lean meats.

Brian Feeney is a nutritionist and an avid believer that it is easy to Lose Stomach Fat He has an information website that provides information and reviews of the best diets to Get Rid of Stomach Fat . To make sure you read about the best diets available go to his site






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