Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Top 10 Tips to Remain Fit Over 40

There are several challenges to remain fit over 40. It’s very difficult to stay on track in your fat loss program.
In this article you will find 10 helpful tips to remain fit over forty.
These tips will actually make yourself feel full and get rid of those cravings. You can forget about food and get back to the other things that need your attention.
The Top 10 List For Weight Loss:
1. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of cold water per day. Ensure that you drink one glass of water prior to each meal to help fill you up.
2. Always take a small portion of protein at your breakfast. It will help you to rev up your engine for maximum metabolism burn.
3. Carry of carrots or your favorite vegetable with you all of the time to use for emergency snacks when you get hungry.
4. Do not eat after 8 pm at night. Your body's natural metabolism slows done during the late night period. Try to let it do that by not eating.
5. Do not consume useless extra calories from your beverages. Switch to diet soda, drink black coffee, limit your alcohol intake.
6. Switch some of your food to lower fat or fat free options. For example , switch your milk from 2% to skim milk.
7. Learn new ways to cook and to use spices to take your meals from diet boring to low calorie exciting.
8. Track all your intakes. This will help you to track how many calories you consumed in a day.
9. Avoid ordering sweets and desserts. Chewing a piece of sugar-less gum will help you.
10. It has been proven that if you have a bigger plate or bowl that you will take more food. Switch to smaller plates.

1 comment:

VJ_M said...

Great info about how to remain fit over 40.I am not over 40 but this information is as useful for me as for a person over 40.Thanks for this informative article.

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