Monday, February 25, 2008

7 Effective Household Jobs to Burn Your Fat

7 simple methods will improve your metabolism. By just improving metabolism, you can see positive changes in your body.
1. Start your day with a proper a breakfast because it stimulates your metabolism.
2. If you enjoy morning walking take two half a kilo dumbbells and pump biceps while walking. This extra loading will help you to burn three extra calories in a minute.
3. If you have a large dog like german shepherd, you need to engage in active walking. This will help you to burn fat quickly.
4. Make a habit to eat frequently. It will improve your metabolism and help you to maintain a steady level of energy within day.
5. Your body consumes more calorie in processing carbohydrates rather than fat. Hence, it's most recommended to avoid food with high fats.
6. You burn more calories in standing position. Hence, try to accomplish your daily routines in a standing position to burn some additional calories per minute.
7. Avoid comfort for using elevator and car. Walk during the lunchtime instead of sitting in office. Use staircase as often as possible.
Are you planning to lose 20 lbs in next 30 days? I just found an excellent article on quick fat loss. Click the link to read "Fat Burning Furnace Review".

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