Thursday, April 22, 2010

5 Ways to lose fat and go from Flab to Fabulous

Trying to lose fat can be a tremendously long and disturbing process for people who need quick results. No amount of infrequent fat burning workouts, fad diets, magic pills or crash courses will help you unless you adhere to strict ground rules. 

Despite rotating exercises and choosing exotic weight loss programs, one often finds fat accumulating in hips, thighs, love-handles and stomach.  To check the amount of fat in your body to healthy limits, just diet control is hardly enough. One needs active, scientific lifestyles that increase metabolism, actively burns fat and keeps you healthy.  

Keeping this extremely attainable mission in mind, one might chart out five extremely simple rules to ensure a workable, fruitful fat loss plan. These are more than fat loss tips and should be treated as counters to ensure a healthy, active life. Before one finalizes a program, there are certain things that need to be remembered. Effective fat loss plans are composite units of numerous simple plans, all requiring dedication and commitment. Also, one must patiently wait for results to show, as losing fat systematically reduces chances of recurrence of obesity and builds good lifestyle habits.  

5 Effective Fat loss tips 

1. As explained earlier, the approach to total, all-round fat loss starts with adopting healthy living habits.  One needs to be patient and let his/her system acclimatize with the dietary and lifestyle changes that are imposed on it. Once these measures help increase metabolism, the process of losing fat and staying healthy continues throughout the life. 

2. When it comes to adopting an effective fat loss plan, one should not go for glitzy marketing campaigns and celebrities endorsing weight-loss products. You should always consult a physician, who would be able to guide you through the weight loss program 

3. While eating, one should be extremely calorie-conscious and keep a regular tab on daily calorific intake. Needless to say, every weight loss program stipulates cutting down on high-calorie food like fried food, confectionaries, bakery products etc. While occasional binges on that burger or pizza are fine, one should not make binges a habit. Contrary to popular belief, an extra hour of weight-training will not counter the ill-effects of unhealthy food.  

4. Building up that daily calorie-deficit needs to be supplemented by sustained efforts consisting of exercising and an active lifestyle. To make fat burning workouts less tedious, indulge in fun sports like soccer or swimming.  

5. Lastly, one should always be hungry for a leaner body and a healthier mind. The initial benefits of fat loss should never make you complacent enough to revert back to older habits.

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