Monday, March 8, 2010

Do You Know Why You Have Belly Fat?

If you are overweight, before you start fat loss exercise and diet, you should know top 6 common causes for belly fat.

1. Ladies generally gain weight after menopause: You can control it yoga and proper diet.

2. Genetics

There are two common body types: apple and pear.
If you gain and store fat in lower parts of your body then you would be considered pear-shaped. If you’re the kind of person that stores more fat in your stomach and middle section than anywhere else then you would be considered apple-shaped.

You can do less if your body by dafault stores fat in abdomen.
3. Stress

When you are under stress, your body releases the hormone cortisol.In turn, this hormone causes your liver to make excess sugar that your body doesn’t really need. As a result, you begin to feel hungrier and begin to eat more. I foung mediation is best to get rid of this problem

4. Improper Digestion

Improper digestion may cause several kinds of gastrointestinal problems leaving you gassy and bloated.
Many people who complain about persistent belly fat often times have gas which causes the bloating effect.

5. Slow Metabolism

A slower metabolism can also result in extra storage of fat…particularly around the middle.This is the reason people gain weight with age.

6. Eating Late at Night

Going to bed with a full stomach puts you at greater risk for fat storage around the middle area. If you are going to munch late at night, eat something healthy like a banana or a small handful of almonds.

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