Saturday, October 4, 2008

Top Reasons Why Traditional Diets Don't Work

How many diets have failed you in your bid to lose weight? What makes diets fail so miserably? A lot of people still believe the myth that dieting by eating less will result in weight loss. What really happens is when we restrict our food intake we are at risk for gaining weight. The human body is designed to view reduced food intake with starvation. When we intentionally deprive our bodies of food we send our body into starvation preservation mode.

To help maintain a healthy weight we need to eat a diet that contain more complex carbohydrates (such as fruits and veg, wholegrains etc) and most people who are overweight are found to have diets that contain more fat and simple carbs. We need to fully understand how our bodies work in order to create a successful weight loss program. One of the best ways to lose weight is to start a low carb diet where you control just how much carbohydrates you take in each day, but are not too concerned about the other foods. You should however make sure you don't overeat, by carefully managiing your portion sizes, and ensuring you get the right proportion of healthy and nutritious foods which are also low in saturated fats.

Lifestyle and eating habits contribute greatly to gaining weight and our weight increase didn't happen over night but rather over a period of months or even years. As it took so long for the weight to creep up, getting back to your normal weight won't happen in an instant. People who don't understand the balance between a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, exercising and making sure they get enough sleep are the next customers to the marketing companies pushing the latest fad diet, lose weight pill or quick weight loss diet. You don't need to look far to find the latest fad diet or weight loss program. Because we've been brought up to want and expect everything delivered to us yesterday, it's much easier to think (or even believe) that a magic does exist that can burn off fat virtually overnight, than to accept that we have the ability to enhance our lives and live healthier longer lives where obesity is in the dim and distant past.

Diets simply don't work because they do not teach you to build a balance within your body. Diets fail because some are structured towards making the promoter or some company rich instead of structuring a diet product or program that will genuinely encourage a person to lose weight.

It's well known that those who are obese are at increased risk of diseases and other serious health problems because of being overweight. Eating high levels of saturated fat is one of the main contributors to surplus body fat.

People have been taught for far too long that they need to drastically reduce their food intake or watch every last calorie to be able to shed those excess pounds. In actual fact our bodies are very proficient when it has to manage weight assuming that we give our bodies what they need to stay healthy - like making sure you get plenty of rest, plenty of water, eat healthy and nutritious foods, and daily physical activity.

Losing weight is not just about counting calories, you also need to avoid eating in excess. Moderate portions of wholesome foods are vital to losing weight. Another vital aspect to weight loss is to make sure you get plenty of exercise. Our bodies like to be physically active!

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