Sunday, April 13, 2008

Are you wondering whether women can have six pack abs?

Ladies - You too can have six pack abs. It easier for you to get abs than it is for men.
Secret behind 6 pack abs
Reduce your body fat % low enough until your stomach fats are lost.
3 tips to have six pack abs
1. How Should You Exercise To Get Six Pack Abs?
Your workout should trigger your body's metabolism which will burn more fat and that's why you need to do moderate high intensity resistance training. These exercises include lifting some weights and other fat burning workouts. Lifting suitable weights will build up the lean muscle in your body, and the more lean muscle you have in your body, the faster your body burns fat.
2. How Should Cardio Workouts Be Done Correctly?
Most effective cardio workout is sprinting for 1 to 2 minutes, resting for 30 seconds before sprinting again. This type of cardio can be harder to complete, but they are much more effective in boosting your body's metabolism and burning your stomach fat to reveal your abs.
3. How To Eat Right To Get Great Abs?
You should try to remove highly processed food from your diet, and include more healthy carbohydrates like vegetables and fruits, and lean protein sources. Avoid foods high in fat content.
Do not starve or follow stringent diet policy. You just need to follow healthy diet plan.
Do you want to learn the fastest way for a woman to get six pack abs? Read the author's review on truth about6 pack abs. If you overweight,also follow Dr. Suzanne's top secret fat loss secret to lose fat quickly.


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