Sunday, December 14, 2008

6 Weight Loss Myths You Should Ignore

Perhaps you've considered going on a weight loss diet at various times in your life. But if it appeared to be too much work or too hard to figure out, maybe you decided against it. Listening to some of the dieting advice that's so readily available, you'll find that there are a lot of myths. Hopefully, we can dispel some of them here.

1. One of the most common myths is that you can drop pounds quickly just by a severe cutback in food and calorie intake. As dieting methods go, this is pretty much the hardest on your health. Your body thinks it's starving and will cling to its fat stores tenaciously.

2. In our search for quick weight loss, another myth will instruct us to eat just a certain kind of food. More eating binges have been caused by the latest single-food fad diet than anything out there. When you start an unhealthy fad diet, your body won't get the nutrition it requires to function properly and keep your immune system strong.

3. Maybe you think that it's an irreversible error to slip up on your diet. If you do slip up, you have to make up for it by exercising for long hours. This is simply untrue. There's nothing wrong with the occasional bowl of ice cream. It's only necessary that you cut back on your calories for a day or two. There’s really no need to exercise for hours just to compensate for one little treat.

4. A popular myth is that you should avoid eating before bedtime because your body will just store all the calories as fat. But this is wrong; dieting is just a healthy style of eating and keeping an eye on how many calories you take in throughout the day. A bite to eat just before going to bed won't matter one way or the other. But not if you're indulging in a full meal or a vat of cookie dough ice cream.

5. How about the one that says you can’t eat anything between meals? Snacks are actually part of a healthy eating style. Eat smaller meals throughout the day to keep your hunger satisfied. When you cut out between meal snacks, you become ravenous before it's time for the next meal. You might end up eating considerably more food than your body requires just to keep hunger at bay.

6. Another myth concerns dairy products, and tells you to completely avoid them because they'll make you fat. But dairy contains nutrients your body needs, so you shouldn't eliminate it from your diet. In fact, some studies suggest those who consume dairy have better weight loss success. Just make sure you limit your amounts and go for the low-fat versions.

Try not to fall victim to the myriad of diet myths circulating the internet. Nutritious, mindful eating along with regular exercise can be the combination that will help you with your healthy weight loss.

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