Wednesday, March 26, 2008

5 Tips to Lose Fat Naturally

Best Belly Fat Loss Tips: Lose 10 Pounds In One Month Naturally
How I get rid of belly fat?
I followed 5 simple fat loss techniques & I'm sharing with you my personal weight loss secrets.
I reduced 30 lbs within 57 days, my wife 9 lbs in 13 days by following these 5 steps daily.
1. Drink more water and stop drinking soda and coffee.
2. Start eating one apple and carrot a day. Introduce proportion by gradually. Increase eating healthy food and diet.
3. Walk at least 30 minutes per day. I have notice and find that it is best to work out when you do something you like and when you are working out with another partner.
4. Avoid fast food places and pre-packaged foods. Try to cook at home every day or every week and see the different in how you feel.
5. Take action to get rid of all parasites from your stomach. To know how to clean your stomach, colon natuarlly, read the top secret fat loss secret review.

If you are serious, follow fat loss diets for fast weight loss. Click here to read our review on latest calories shifting theory.

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